Winter ’15-’16 Campus Trends: Men’s Edition

Last week I did the women’s trends for the winter time and now I’m taking the challenge of doing the same for the men. I call it a challenge because I am not very well versed in men’s fashion, for obvious reasons. I don’t really pay that much attention to it because, let’s be honest, it’s not as exciting as women’s fashion is. Sorry to all my fashion dudes out there, but please prove me wrong! Despite my lack of experience in this department, I do notice some trends around campus when it comes to men’s fashion.

Like I said last week, everyone at Penn State dresses the same. There isn’t really that much diversity in the way that people dress, but every now and then there are a few outsiders who dare to break the mold. Everyone on campus dresses super casual, with the exception of the occasional pair of pants not made of spandex that make their way to the surface. Let’s get started, shall we?

  1. 10997-p-MULTIVIEWTimberland Boots: What’s that clunking sound behind me? Oh, it’s just a pack of guys all wearing the same boots and all making the conscious decision not to pick up their feet when they walk, nothing new. Kind of how Bean Boots and Hunter rain boots are to girls, Timberland boots are to guys. This is for good reason, though. They’re durable enough to weather the ever changing climate that we have here in Happy Valley, and not look like your hiking Mount Everest. Snow boots can get pretty unattractive, if you ask me. I think that’s why everyone wears the same clothes here, because once you find something that is remotely fashionable, everyone copies it. Trendsetters, beware!
  2. THESE shoes:264562_200_ss_01_0 I don’t know what these boots are called, but I have noticed a lot of guys wearing them. They kind of give off a little bit of a hipster vibe, but I see non-hipsters wearing them too(do those people even exist anymore?). It’s a step up from wearing Vans or Converse, but a step below dress shoes. It’s a nice happy medium that’s casual but put-together. Paired with some khakis or jeans and a nice sweater and you look like you have your life together, even if you don’t. What my definition of “nice” is, I’m not too sure.
  3. Joggers: It’s the clothing item that we’ve all been waiting for: fashionable sweatpants! Something that girls and guys alike wear, joggers are the “nicer” alternative to just plain old sweatpants.I’ve also seen them made in different materials, not just comfy fleece.266621128 They’re have more of a street style vibe, but I see lots of guys wearing them around campus. The slim lines and tight hem around the ankle make them look like you know what you’re doing, but you have a slight devil may care attitude. I think the trick to wearing joggers is to find the right shoes to go with them. Pretty much anything casual and with a low ankle (i.e. any type of sneaker,really, like Nike Roches, Vans, Converse) will do. But I mean, do what you want and wear them with whatever type of shoe you desire, that’s the fun part about fashion, mixing things up!

So there you have it, my attempt at discussing men’s fashion on campus. What are the trends at your campus? Tell me in a comment below!